Search App For Mac


Best Search App For Mac

MacSearch App For Mac

Alfred (OS X) Alfred is a combination app launcher and desktop/web search utility for OS X. Keep in mind searching through the Messages app limits your search to iMessage conversations. How to search for a word on Mac. Searching for words on your Mac is the same process as searching for anything else. You can open Spotlight, search in Finder, or use Lacona to search your Mac. Knowing how to find word on Mac devices is universal to search.

File Search App For Mac

  • Loving the new HoudahSpot 5.0. It consistently finds things that no other search app can find.

  • I love HoudahSpot - way, way better than Spotlight as a search app for @Apple Mac computer.

  • HoudahSpot may be the most helpful application I own.

  • I am a new user of HoudahSpot and wow, just wow!

  • There’s nothing else like it [HoudahSpot] for Mac users by a long margin.

  • HoudahSpot is the best-designed and most useful application I’ve ever used.

  • If there is one utility that is indispensable for me on the Mac, HoudahSpot is it (locates files on disk).

  • HoudahSpot is absolutely both a necessity and critical in making my workflow life manageable!

  • A smarter, better, faster way to find files.
    Finder works for easy things - HoudahSpot does the heavy lifting.

  • For me a true killer app since years – helped me so often finding long missed info fast and easy.

  • This is the most-used app on my MacBook Pro.

  • The ‘HoudahSpot’ app is simply amazing! I was literally speechless at how good it was.