Mosaic For Mac Os

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forMac OS X,Tenon PowerMachTen,Linux and other compatible Unix-like OSes

Welcome to Floodgap's Mosaic-CK page, my local hacked-up port of Mosaic tobring it into the modern World Wide Web context. Although Mosaic-CK startedas my simple effort to port NCSA Mosaic to my Power MachTen systems, I have decided toexpand the project to allow people to experiment and play with this historicbrowser package in the 21st century.

The current version is 2.7ck12(change-log), basedon the Unix source for 2.7b5, released 22 October 2020.Pleaseread the NCSA license before use.NCSA does not support this port; please send your comments and requests

What was NCSA Mosaic?

Mosaic is widely considered the grandfather of the modern web browser.Developed at the National Centerfor Supercomputing Applications at the University of IllinoisUrbana-Champaign, it was the first Web browser to win widespread use andacceptance. Although it was not the first browser with a graphicalinterface (that was Erwise), nor the first to mix graphics with text (thatwas ViolaWWW), it established the conventions of a typical web browser thatwe still use today, and in the form of Spyglass Mosaic even became part ofMicrosoft Internet Explorer until version 7. NCSA discontinued support forMosaic in 1997.

Mosaic supports a superset of HTML 2.0 (RFC 1866), with support for formwidgets and basictables and some of the Netscape-specific formattingextensions. The final version also included support for PNG, GIF andJPEG images. It was discontinued on the eve of HTML 3.2 (REC-html32)in 1997, although it necessarily does include some of that standard,particularly body styling. It does not include CSS support, nor Java orJavaScript, nor frames. Click the screenshot for a 56K image ofMosaic-CK rendering contemporary websites, including Google and Wikipedia.

Why use Mosaic?

Mosaic uses a very old rendering engine, and porting the entire length andbreadth of HTML 5 to it would essentially require a complete rewrite.This makes it a bad choice for modern computers which can almost certainlyrun something more full-featured and compatible.However, its older core is well-suited to older machines and olderoperating systems with poorer compatibility (viz., can't run a modernGUI toolkit) or less processing power, and therendering core still supports enough of a view of modern web sites to allowit to be functional, even if it's not attractive. Mosaic-CK's goal is tobe 'Lynxwith graphicsMosaic pro mac' -- a graphical interface but a fast, basic HTMLrendering core reminiscent of that beloved text browser.Click the screenshot for an 80K image of Mosaic-CK renderingxkcd on Mac OS X.

Why a Mosaic branch?

NCSA no longer supports Mosaic, although it offered it as open source fornon-commercial applications (Mosaic is not under GPL). Sinceit was not maintained since 1997, it has not kept pace with the modern Webor modern computer systems in even an elemental sense;for example, it breaks under current versions of libpng, it does notsupport UTF-8 or Unicode, and it doesnot know what to do with character sets in MIME types (treating them asbinary files and essentially making those pages unviewable).

To incorporate these and otherfixes, I spun off 2.7b5, the last version of Mosaic released for Unixplatforms, into my own Mosaic-CK branch to mark it as distinct. I also wantedto add support for my own systems and other operating systems that the originalMosaic did not build on, but to also preserve the original feel of Mosaicas a historical model on modern computing environments.

What's different about Mosaic-CK?

There are other Mosaic forks. The best known may well have been (r.i.p.)VMS Mosaic,designed to be a very evolved Mosaic with many modern featuresand a greatly augmented rendering core.

Mosaic-CK, on the other hand, is consciously a two-headed beast: by defaulta basic, functional browser, but also designed to serve as an educational andhistorical simulation. If you use the default alternative renderer,then you get a standards-aware browser that improves on Mosaic withUTF-8 and Unicode partial support, better layout and extended HTML parsingcapabilities. If you use the classic renderer, however, you see thepage almost exactly as the original Mosaic would have seen it, but in bothrenderers getting the benefits of updated, current OS integration, morerobust network code and better protocol support: the best of both worlds.And you can switch rendering on the fly (under Options, Use ClassicRenderer).

As the early days of theInternet and World Wide Web become more obscure and ill-remembered,Mosaic-CK's classic renderer preserves the feel and style of thosedistant, more simple times, while simultaneously with itsenhanced alternativerenderer coming closer and closer to its goal of 'Lynxwith graphics' -- a GUI and built-in image support, but a fast, basic HTMLcore that views pages in an efficient, utilitarian text-basedmanner. This is whatsets Mosaic-CK apart from other browsers and Mosaic forks today.

Will it build on {Linux,*BSD,Mac OS X,...}?

The current version builds on Mac OS X, Linuxand probably others since the changeswere more for gcc than anything specific to these OSes. Still, thereis no guarantee it will run on other contemporary operating systems andI'm working on porting it to them too, butthey also already have access to current browser software, sopreserving back compatibility for older machines right now is more important.The only reason I did a Mac OS X build right off the batis that testing is a lot quicker onmy G5, which helps to preserve my sanity. Because I knowthat Common Desktop Environmenthas Motif, CDE systems have priority simply because it's less work.

Binary releases of Mosaic-CK

It is my plan to release, where reasonable or possible, binaries for thesupported architectures. However, you should consider building it fromscratch yourself (see below), just in case.
  • Mac OS X (32-bit Universal i386/ppc binary, 10.4-10.13)

    This version includes MotifMacLauncher, a shell that puts the Mosaicapp in your dock, starts if it's not already running,and allows you to switch to and from the app as if it were a regularMac application. Thanks to Eric Brown for the icon!

    You must have X11 for OS X installed first (for 10.6+,use XQuartz;for 10.4-10.5, check on your OS X CDs, or in/Applications/Utilities), and then install our fork ofOpenMotif-Macfrom Sourceforge for your version of OS X. No restart required.To start, simply double click the executable. See the Readmefile for more. 10.4 through 10.13 are supported, on Intel and PowerPC.

    (Previous versions used IST OpenMotif, but due to SIP restrictions theirdistribution no longer works with El Capitan, so we're maintaining our own.You should install IST OpenMotif for earlier versions, however, and you canhave both installed simultaneously on the same system.)

  • macOS (64-bit x86_64, 10.14-???)

    This version runs directly fromXQuartz.You must install Homebrewand the necessary prerequisites to run it(brew install zlib libjpeg openmotif). To start, run the executablefrom any Terminal or xterm. See the Readme file for more.10.14 and up are supported onx86_64. It is not tested on Apple ARM.

  • Power MachTen

    Because this relies on how much memory you have, and because certainprerequisites are strongly recommended, I'm not providing MachTen binarieson purpose to force people to update their installations. Update your environment,then build from source (see below). Think of it as tough love.

How to build Mosaic-CK

You will require the following libraries and tools to build Mosaic-CK:
  • X11R5 or higher. It will not run on X11R4 or previous versions.
  • Motif X libraries, 1.2 or higher. You can also useOpenMotif 2.1.31or higher, and possibly even older versions.If you are on a system with Common Desktop Environment, suchas HP/UX or AIX, you have this already. MachTen also includes Motif built-in.
  • libjpeg (6b or higher)
  • zlib (1.2.3 or higher) (prerequisite for libpng)
  • libpng (1.2.35 or higher)
  • A working C compiler and make (tested on gcc 2.7 and up)
The Makefile suite is designed to be system-specific: simplyMosaic

make architecture

will start the process. Although Mosaic-CK contains all the historicalarchitectures that Mosaic formerly supported, I am supremely doubtful itwill build as it did on all of them, so they are unsupported. Ifit works for you, great -- tell me and I will promote those architectures.Right now, only the following targets are supported:

Mosaic pro mac
  • make ppcmt (Power MachTen)

    This port builds a statically-linked Mosaic, and assumes thatlibpng and libjpeg are installed in /opt andzlib is installed in /usr (seeinstalling recommended basepackages for MachTen andbuilding libpngand libjpeg in MachTen). At least 256MB ofRAM is required to run Mosaic-CKin its default formdue to its stack space requirement. If you want to run it on asystem with less memory, you will need to reduce the -Xlstacksetting in makefiles/Makefile.ppcmtby a corresponding amount. At least 32MB of stack is required for Mosaic-CKto even start (it will crash if you set this too low),so it will not run well (if at all) on systems with less than 64MB of RAM.

    For some sites the default stack space is still not enough. If you getrandom crashes on sites you visit frequently, recompile it with a bigger-Xlstack.

  • make linux

    This port, originally contributed by Jeroen Schot and now maintained by me,restores current Linux support. It is presently tested on Fedora 32ppc64le but should build and run on pretty much any modern distroand architecture. This port builds a dynamically-linked Mosaic.You must have already installed OpenMotif2.1.31+ or compatible, as well as zlib, libpng, andlibjpeg. Chances are your distro includes most of this already.If you build a publicly-available RPM, DEB or other package, I would liketo link to it or send people to it; pleasesend me E-mail.

  • make osx (Mac OS X 32-bit)
    make macos (macOS 64-bit)

    This port builds a partially statically-linked Mosaic.

    The 64-bit build, originally contributed by Mehdi Naraghi,requires Homebrew. Install prerequisites withbrew install libjpeg zlib openmotif, then download a current sourcecopy of libpng 1.2 (later versions will not work) to../libpng and build it in place. It will be statically linked intothe binary.

    The 32-bit build requires OpenMotif-Mac 2.1.31+ to be installed to/Applications/OpenMotif21,and expectszlib, libpng and libjpeg to be installed instandard .a libraries to /usr/local (i.e., libraries in/usr/local/lib, include files to /usr/local/include, etc.).It is known to run on 10.4+, but there is nothing to prevent it from runningon Panther, or evenJaguar if you still have the X11 Beta. It probably will not run on 10.1or earlier.

    These targets build for your home architecture only (i.e., it does notmake a Universal binary). If you want to make a 32-bit Universal (PowerPCand i386) executable, youcan use make uosx, but this requires that the .a librariesfor libz, libpng and libjpeg also have been builtas Universal which does not happen by default. I don't recommend this to thecasual builder. If you want information on this,send me E-mail.

    Versions ck9 and later on 32-bit platforms havea motifmaclauncher/ folder containing an Xcode project for buildingthe shell application package. It can be built with Xcode 2.5 or later, butversions without PowerPC compilation will inexplicably fail (you will need toalter the Xcode project to build for Intel only, and if you don't like this,my G5 says phbbbbbbt).Build the raw executable first, then build the Xcode project; it willincorporate the executable into its app package to make a distributablestand-alone unit. The launcher is not supported on 64-bit macOS.

More will be added.

DOWNLOAD SOURCE:mosaic27ck12.tar.gz (0.99MB)

Bug reports and future improvements

Bug reports and suggestions are appreciated, with the understanding thatcompatibility for older operating systems is paramount -- if your patchrequires the latest and greatest gcc or toolkit, for example, itwill be rejected. Please wait for me to ask for yourdiff before sending it to me; drop me a line atckaiser@floodgap.comMac os listand tell me what you have in mind first.

I do, however, gratefully accept Makefiles for other operating systemsand will incorporate them no questions asked if no source changes are neededto get it to compile. You should work with the sample ones inmakefiles/, copy and modify one to taste and/or success, and thenhook it up to the targets in the root Makefile.

Changelog for 2.7ck12

Compatibility changes for the future

Mosaic for mac os versions
  • Test and build under CDE (has Motif). At least X11R5 is required forthis. I tried building it on AIX 4.1 but that only has X11R4, even thoughit has CDE and Motif.

Improvements to page rendering and core

This is, also, going to be intentionally limited -- if you want it to supportthe length and breadth of WebKit, you should be using WebKit. For example,I have no plans to make Mosaic-CK support JavaScript or frames. Like I said,Mosaic-CK's primary aspiration is to be 'Lynx with graphics.' Renderingimprovements will be part of the alternative renderer where possible.
  • Fix SSL (working on it)
  • Continueto expand UTF-8 and Unicode translation tables (will do for sure, up to apoint)
  • Improve proxy support even more (fix SOCKS, for one thing). (will dofor sure)
  • Allow scrolling to a fragment (probably will do)
  • Extend table support (might do in a limited sense)
  • Very limited CSS/DOM for selecting colours, etc. (maybe)
Send love, kindly bug reports, Pink Floyd LPs and rare Commodore computers to

Mosaic Mac Os

Mosaic App Mac

.Cameron Kaiser