Xmind 2013 For Mac

本站提供XMind 2013 for Mac,XMind是一款优秀的思维导图软件,XMind 2013 for Mac支持用户在苹果系统上快速创建各种图形等,同时还可以通过他进行日程安排、任务管理等多个功能。XMind为原生中文版,安装后即为中文,无需担心语言问题。XMIND 应用Ec. XMind is an open source project, which means it's free to download and free to use forever. XMind Plus ($79) and Pro ($129) with more professional features are also available. You may want to check out more Mac applications, such as XMind ZEN, MindPreview or Lighten, which might be similar to XMind.

File TypeXMind Workbook File

CategoryData Files

What is an XMIND file?

An XMIND file contains a workbook created by XMind, a brainstorming and mind mapping application. It may store multiple sheets, each with a diagram that captures ideas during a brainstorming session. XMIND files may also be used for storing organizational charts, work schemes, Gantt charts, and other individual and business diagrams.

Before XMIND files, XMind created .XMAP files to save workbooks. However, XMind replaced XMAP files with XMIND files, which are saved in the XMind Workbook format and supported by the XMind and Seavus iMindQ applications.

Since XMIND files are compressed with Zip compression, they can be decompressed using a Zip decompression program, such as Corel WinZip, 7-Zip, WinRAR, or Apple Archive Utility. Simply rename the .xmind extension to .zip and decompress it. You can then manually extract the contents of the XMIND file, which typically include multiple .XML files and .JPG thumbnail files. When you are finished viewing or modifying the contents, you can compress the archive again with Zip compression again using a Zip utility, then rename the .zip extension to .xmind.

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Updated 11/15/2018

Für die aktuellste Version (XMind 8 v3.7.9) besuchen Sie bitte unsere Download-Seite.

XMind 7.5 (v3.6.52)

Release date: 1 Feb, 2018.

Download XMind 7.5 for Windows
Download XMind 7.5 for Windows (zip)
Download XMind 7.5 for Mac OS X (10.6+)
Download XMind 7.5 for Linux (GTK required)
Xmind 2013 for mac downloadXmind 2013 For Mac

New Features

  1. A Brand New UI
  2. A New Home Panel
  3. Huge Improvements on Gantt Chart
  4. Information Card
  6. Callout
  7. Export/Print Outline
  8. Multi-page Print
  9. Timeline
  10. New Themes with 10 New Fonts

Major Improvements

  1. Share to Biggerplate.com
  2. Inspector View
  3. Add another Matrix (structure) which uses topics as columns.
  4. Show/Edit task info (Start/End Date, Assignee, Priority and Progress) directly in Gantt Chart.
  5. Export Gantt Chart to Image/PDF.
  6. Print Gantt Chart.
  7. Add 'hide collapse/expand icon' option while printing/exporting to image/PDF/SVG.
  8. Export the entire workbook to Excel.
  9. Show all notes in Notes View.
  10. Copy/Paste style.
  11. New Window Menu.
  12. Only calculate work days for tasks.
  13. Add a size hint while making a map shot.
  14. New topic shapes: Circle, Parallelogram, Cloud.
  15. New boundary shapes: Polygon and Rounded Polygon.
  16. Wallpaper Patterns.
  17. New designed color palette.
  18. New color set for Multi Branch Colors.
  19. Add Task Assignee option in Advanced Filter View.
  20. Delete the same markers of the map.
  21. Clear all the markers of a topic.
  22. Add 'Save As' option to Image/Attachment/Audio Notes.
  23. URL/Email auto detection.
  24. Support Microsoft Project 2010 file format for exporting.
  25. Real previews in Theme View.
  26. Many other minor improvements.

Fixed Bugs

  1. Fix a bug that causes task info to export unsuccessfully while exporting to Excel.
  2. Fix an issue that causes XMind to crash on Ubuntu while choosing Web Browser under Preferences.
  3. Fix an issue that causes the exported SVG file to display abnormally.
  4. Fix an issue that causes characters missing while printing map.
  5. Fix an issue that causes boundary not to show normally while the boundary title text is too long.
  6. Fix an issue that subtopics of floating topic can not be exported while exporting to Excel.
  7. Fix a bug that after downloading a public map from XMind.net, the task dependencies of the map disappear.
  8. Fix a bug that causes text to disappear while press 'CTRL+I' in Note view.
  9. Fix an issue that causes exporting to Word not successfully.
  10. Fix an issue that causes encryption not to work after force quiting XMind procedure.
  11. Fix a bug that topic structure changes in drill down mode.
  12. Fix an issue that image in notes disappears while importing a Mindmanager file.

XMind 6 (v3.5.3)

Release date: 18 Jun, 2015. Build ID:

Download XMind 6 for Windows
Download XMind 6 for Mac OS X (10.6+)
Download XMind 6 for Linux (32-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 6 for Linux (64-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 6 Portable Package (Win+Mac+Linux in a zip)

Fixed Bugs

  1. Fixed an issue that causes the Linux 64-bit install package not to work.
  2. Fixed an issue that causes some Korean and Chinese fonts can not show normally on the map.
  3. Fixed an bug that the width of topic can not be changed in Brainstorming mode.

XMind 6 (v3.5.2)

Release date: 27 April, 2015. Build ID:

Download XMind 6 for Windows
Download XMind 6 for Mac OS X (10.6+)
Download XMind 6 for Linux (32-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 6 for Linux (64-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 6 Portable Package (Win+Mac+Linux in a zip)


  1. Add a language change option to Preferences.
  2. Improve theme usage experience. When applying a theme, users can now choose from overriding all custom styles in the target map or keeping them.
  3. Improve export experiences.
  4. Add Danish and Japanese 'Welcome to XMind' map guide under help menu.
  5. Modify the translation errors in Japanese, Russian, French language pack.

Fixed Bugs

  1. Fixed an issue that causes some text to disappear after exporting to PDF (Map) on Ubuntu.
  2. Fixed some issues that cause XMind to crash after exporting to Microsoft Word and PDF Document on Ubuntu.
  3. Fixed an internal error occurred during: 'Template Image Loader'.
  4. Fixed an error while saving to Evernote under the Drill Down mode.
  5. Fixed a bug that causes the exported Microsoft Project file to contain Chinese text.
  6. Fixed an issue that causes 'export to Microsoft PPT' not working.
  7. Fixed an issue that causes XMind to crash while using 'Alt +DownArrow' shortcut under Filter mode.
  8. Fixed a bug that causes text typed in editing box to disappear after switching between sheets.
  9. Fixed an issue that the wallpaper can't be removed after set by a theme containing it.
  10. Fixed a bug that causes file hyperlinks pointing to LAN locations to be recognized as relative paths.
  11. Other minor bug fixes.

XMind 6 (v3.5.1)

Releasedatum: 12 November, 2014. Build ID:

Download XMind 6 für Windows
Download XMind 6 für Mac OS X (10.6+)
Download XMind 6 für Linux (32-bit) (GTK erfordert)
Download XMind 6 für Linux (64-bit) (GTK erfordert)
Download XMind 6 Portable Package (Win+Mac+Linux in einer Zip-Datei)


  1. Hinzufügen der italienischen Sprachpakete.
  2. Aktualisierung der Sprachpakete für Deutsch, Französisch, Dänisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, vereinfachtes Chinesisch, traditionelles Chinesisch, brasilianisches Portugiesisch.
  3. Ändern des Standardformats für Bildexport in PNG.

Behobene Bugs

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  1. Behebt ein Problem, dass die Stil-Funktion unter Ubuntu nicht verwendet werden kann.
  2. Behebt ein Problem, dass Ideenfabrik im Multi-Monitor-Betrieb nicht angezeigt wird.
  3. Behebt ein Problem, dass der Stil des Arbeitsblatts nach dem Erstellen oder Speichern eines neuen Themes verloren wird.
  4. Behebt ein Problem, dass manchmal die Mindmap in Microsoft Powerpoint nicht exportiert werden kann.
  5. Behebt ein Problem, dass einige Hyperlinks nicht richtig weitergeleitet werden können.
  6. Behebt einige Fehler beim Import/Export MS Word/PPT/Project.

XMind 6

Releasedatum: 31 Oktober, 2014. Build ID:

Download XMind 6 für Windows
Download XMind 6 für Mac OS X (10.6+)
Download XMind 6 für Linux (32-bit) (GTK erfordert)
Download XMind 6 für Linux (64-bit) (GTK erfordert)
Download XMind 6 Portable Package (Win+Mac+Linux in einer Zip-Datei)

Neue Funktionen

  1. Neu gestalteter Brainstorming-Modus
  2. Speichern in Evernote
  3. Export nach Microsoft Project
  4. Export nach Open Office (ODF)
  5. Erweiterter Theme-Editor
  6. Importieren/Exportieren von/nach XMind Ressourcenbündel
  7. Index-Ansicht
  8. Mehr Themes, Stile und Markierungen.


  1. Hinzufügen von Berechtigungen im Lokalen Netwerk-Sharing
  2. Neu organisierte und verbesserte Symbolleiste, Möglichkeit zum Anpassen der Position der Symbolleiste
  3. Java 7 in XMind für Mac einbetten. Keine Notwendigkeit mehr für manuelle Installation von Java
  4. Integration der Stil-Ansicht in Eigenschaftenansicht. Hinzufügen der Option “Stil zurücksetzen“
  5. Reorganisieren der Menü Ansicht, Hinzufügen eines Untermenüs statt des Ansicht-Dialogfelds
  6. Neues Benachrichtigungsfenster
  7. Neues Arbeitsblatt aus Formatvorlagen.
  8. Eine Option zum Ausblenden von kostenpflichtigen Features
  9. Hinzufügen der neuen 'Struktur ausgewogene Map'
  10. Verbessertes Kontextmenü
  11. Neuer Farbwähler
  12. Verbesserter Export in Excel
  13. Hinzufügen eines Zoomwerts von 120% beim Verkgrößern/Verkleinern der Map
  14. Viele andere kleine Verbesserungen

Behobene Bugs

Xmind 2013 For Mac
  1. Unter Windows (Portable-Version) und Ubuntu verschwindet das Startbild nicht, nachdem XMind erfolgreich gestartet wurde.
  2. Beim Erzeugen eines Links zu einem Knoten in XMind ist Öffnen dieses Links nach dem Export in das PDF-Dokument fehlgeschlagen.
  3. Teil des Textes der Aufgaben in der Gantt-Ansicht wurde geschnitten.
  4. Fehler beim Ändern der Dauer durch Ziehen der Taskleiste in der Gantt-Ansicht.
  5. Die Hintergrundfarbe eines/er Bild/Markierung im Knoten wird schwarz abgedeckt oder nach dem Export in PDF-Map geändert.
  6. Die Tastenkombination Strg + '+/-' kann nicht im Präsentationsmodus zum Vergrößern/Verkleinern der Map verwendet werden.
  7. Mit einem langen Textinhalt der Aufgabe in der Aufgabeninfo-Ansicht werden alle Buttons auf der rechten Seite nur angezeigt, wenn der Textinhalt vollständig angezeigt wird.
  8. Der interne Web-Browser kann nicht unter Ubuntu verwendet werden.
  9. Fehler beim Öffnen des Anhangs nach dem Export in PDF-Dokument
  10. Fehler beim Öffnen des absoluten und relativen Links zur Datei und zum Ordner nach dem Export in Word; Fehler beim Öffnen des relativen Links zur Datei nach dem Export in HTML.
  11. Fehler beim Importieren der MS Word Dateien, die Tabelle(n) enthalten.
  12. Wenn der Hauptknoten einen Nummerierungsstil auswählt, kann der gleiche Nummerierungsstil auf den Unterpunkt vom Freitext nicht angewendet werden.
  13. Wenn Sie die Notiz im Notiz-Editor bearbeiten und dann direkt XMind schließen, werden Sie nicht dazu aufgefordert, die geänderten Notizen zu speichern. Das führt zum Verloren der Änderung der Notiz.
  14. Aktivieren des Brainstorming-Modus während des Bearbeitungsmodus eines Knotens führt zur Misshandlung der Tastatur.
  15. Relativer Hyperlink wird in der exportierten PDF-Dokument-Datei absoluter Hyperlink.
  16. 'Nummerieren bis'-Einstellung wird nach dem Export nach Word ungültig, wenn es nummerierten Dateiinhalt gibt.
  17. Auto-Nummerierung wird nach dem Export in Excel entfernt.
  18. Hintergrundfarbe für Text in Notiz wird nach dem Export in Word schwarz, falls es Text in Fettschrift in Notiz gibt.
  19. Normalerweise werden die Notizen nach dem Import einer Mindmanager-Datei in XMind angezeigt. Aber nach dem Export von XMind in einem PDF- und Word-Dokument werden die Notizen in Schwarz ausgefüllt.
  20. Teil der Inhalte in XMind geht nach dem Import von Word verloren.
  21. Aufforderung zur Installation von Bonjour bei jedem Starten von XMind unter Windows.
  22. Der Zoom-Schieberegler wurde fälschlicherweise auf Mac angezeigt.
  23. Viele andere kleine Bug-Fixes.

Xmind 2013 For Mac Versions

XMind 2013 SE

Release date: 22 January, 2014. Build ID:

Download XMind 2013 SE for Windows
Download XMind 2013 SE for Mac OS X (10.6+)
Download XMind 2013 SE for Linux (32-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 2013 SE for Linux (64-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 2013 SE Portable Package (Win+Mac+Linux in a zip)

New Features

  1. All New Designed 'Brainstorming Mode'.
  2. Save to Evernote.
  3. Advanced Theme Editor.
  4. Index View.
  5. Export to Microsoft Project.
  6. Export to Open Office (ODF).
  7. More themes, styles and markers.
  8. Import & Export XRB/XMind Resource Bundle.


  1. Add permissions in Local Network Sharing.
  2. Reorganized and improved toolbar, customize toolbar position.
  3. On Mac, XMind embeds Java 7 and no need to manually install Java anymore.
  4. Integrate Style View into Properties View. Add 'reset style' option.
  5. Reorganize View Menu, add a sub-menu instead of the Views Dialog.
  6. New style notification window.
  7. New Sheet From Template.
  8. An option to hide paid features from menu and toolbar.
  9. Add a new balanced map structure.
  10. Improved context menu.
  11. New color picker.
  12. Improved Export to Excel.
  13. Add 120% value between 100% and 150% when zoom in/out a map.
  14. Many other minor improvements.

Fixed Bugs

  1. On Windows (Portable version) and Ubuntu, the splash image won't disappear after XMind was successfully launched.
  2. When copy a link onto a topic in XMind, after export to PDF document, the link was failed to be opened.
  3. Part of task text was cut off in Gantt View.
  4. Fail to change the duration by dragging the task bar in Gantt View.
  5. The background color of a image/marker in a topic was covered in black or changed after exporting to PDF Map.
  6. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl + '+/-' can not be used to zoom in/out in Presentation Mode.
  7. In Task Info View, if the text content of a task is too long, all buttons on the right side will not be displayed until the text content is displayed in full.
  8. The internal web browser can not be used on Ubuntu.
  9. Fail to open attachment(s) after exporting to PDF Document.
  10. After exporting to Word, absolute link and relative link to file and folder are both failure; after exporting to HTML, only the relative link to file is failure.
  11. Fail to import MS Word files that contain Table(s).
  12. When main topic select a numbering style, the subtopic of floating topic can not select the same numbering style.
  13. The MindMapEditor is not dirty when editing notes in the floating notes editor, which causes that you will not be prompted to save the modified notes while directly closing XMind.
  14. Entering brainstorming mode while a topic is in edit mode will lead to mishandling of keyboard event.
  15. Relative hyperlink becomes absolute link in the exported PDF Document file.
  16. 'Numbering Level Until' setting will be invalid after exporting to Word if the file has already included numbering.
  17. AutoNumbering was removed after exporting to Excel.
  18. The text's background of notes will be black after exporting to Word if the notes include bold font.
  19. The notes shows normally after importing a Mindmanager file into XMind. But after exporting from XMind to PDF Document and Word, the notes part will be filled in black.
  20. Part of contents was lost in XMind after importing from Word.
  21. On Windows, there may be a prompt to stall Bonjour service everytime while launching XMind.
  22. Many other minor bugs fixed.

XMind 2013

Release date: 5 November, 2013. Build ID:

Download XMind 2013 for Windows
Download XMind 2013 for Mac OS X (10.6+)
Download XMind 2013 for Linux (32-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 2013 for Linux (64-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 2013 Portable Package (Win+Mac+Linux in a zip)

New Features

  1. Local Networking Sharing (huge new feature that costs us one year to ship)
  2. Enable export to Microsoft Word/PPT/Excel across all platforms, e.g. Mac OS X and Linux (huge new feature)
  3. Export to Microsoft Excel/CSV
  4. Export to SVG (in vectors)
  5. Import from Microsoft Word
  6. Merge XMind workbooks
  7. New Style Editor
  8. New marker design and more markers
  9. Print whole workbook
  10. Reduce file size
  11. More templates (flow-chart, personal management etc.)


  1. Improved Export to Word/PPT/PDF/HTML
  2. Export to PDF(Map) in vector graphics
  3. Improved Import from Mindjet Mindmanager
  4. Gallery renamed to 'Clip Art', and new lovely clip art
  5. Support for input method editor (IME) in in-place topic title editing (a big usability improvement for CJK and some European users)
  6. New preference options to change the default behaviour of dragging/dropping external files
  7. Re-calculate relative file hyperlinks on saving
  8. Synchronized topic selection between editor and Gantt view
  9. Each marker group is an expandable section in Markers view
  10. Markers are resized automatically to fit topic font size
  11. The order of markers in a topic is fixed to be as same as the order in Markers view
  12. Turn off topic filter's highlight effect after deleting the marker used for the filter
  13. Embed JRE in Windows installation folder
  14. Increase the maximum memory settings for Windows versions
  15. Many other smaller improvements

Fixed Bugs

  1. On Windows, XMind fails to launch after Java upgraded to 1.7
  2. On Windows, closing a loading browser editor causes script error and XMind hanging
  3. On Mac OS X, the menu bar is still hidden when pressing 'Esc' key to quit the Brainstorming or Presentation mode
  4. On Mac OS X with Java 7 installed, XMind fails to open files with non-ASCII characters in their name
  5. On Ubuntu 12.04 in German language, almost all key bindings are broken and it's impossible to type any word in topic
  6. Hyperlinks are exported into unrecognizable code
  7. XMind fails to locate collapsed topics when double-clicking them from search result
  8. Hyperlinks in notes are exported as plain text to Word or PPT
  9. Non-ASCII characters in file name are shown as '?' in recent opened file list
  10. Topic's fill color, line color and line thickness property is not effective when applying an extracted theme
  11. On Windows, XMind fails to conduct relative file hyperlinks across different drivers
  12. Error occurs when XMind tries to open a removed/renamed home map on startup
  13. Error occurs when clicking a removed/renamed file in recent opened file
  14. Error occurs while exporting large mind maps to PDF (Map)
  15. XMind crashes by clicking on the 'Label' action in the context menu of the hyperlink/notes icon within the topic
  16. On Mac OS X, double click on an XMind file in Finder to launch XMind causes an additional editor opened with errors
  17. Some multi-thread access issues related to Save operation
  18. Many other smaller bug fixes

XMind 2012 SE

Release date: 25 December, 2012. Build ID:

Download XMind 2012 SE for Windows
Download XMind 2012 SE for Mac OS X (10.6+)
Download XMind 2012 SE for Linux (32-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 2012 SE for Linux (64-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 2012 SE Portable Package (Win+Mac+Linux in a zip)

New Features

  1. Korean language support.
  2. A per-file option is provided to enable/disable automatic revision generation.
  3. View/clear license information in License dialog.
  4. Auto update support for Windows/Mac OS X.
  5. Support directly opening a map shared on XMind.net.

Fixed Bugs

  1. Some bugs that caused startup crashes on Windows.
  2. Some bugs that caused failure when uploading mindmap to XMind.net.
  3. Network proxy settings finally works by completely rewriting underlying internet connection infrastructure.
  4. Pressing 'Enter' key to type literal words using some input methods finishes topic title editing on Mac OS X.
  5. Subtopics missing in images when exporting to HTML/PDF/Word etc.
  6. Extracted themes/styles can not be renamed.
  7. File hyperlink pointing to a location in local area network is regarded as a broken relative link.
  8. Dependency lines is not hidden when its predecessor/successor task is hidden by folding in Gantt chart.
  9. Hyperlink in notes causes failure of exporing to Mindjet MindManager.
  10. Icons of .xmind files are displayed as unrecognized files on Windows.
  11. Dragging a folder into XMind results into a broken link.
  12. Notes view still shows spelling errors even when spelling check is turned off in preferences.
  13. Error occurred when started creating a boundary without any topic selected in prior.
  14. 'New' dialog still shows in some cases when opening a .xmind file by double-clicking.
  15. Opens attachment/linked file in embeded Word/PPT inside Explorer on some Windows machines.
  16. Find/Replace dialog gets crowded if the topic has a long title
  17. Debian package contains 'bad permission' files
  18. Other minor bugs

XMind 2012

Xmind 2013 For Mac Os

Release date: 10 August, 2012. Build ID:

Download XMind 2012 for Windows
Download XMind 2012 for Mac OS X (10.6+)
Download XMind 2012 for Linux (32-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 2012 for Linux (64-bit) (GTK required)
Download XMind 2012 Portable Package (Win+Mac+Linux in a zip)

New Features

  1. New business model.
  2. New Gantt Chart.
  3. Revisions view.
  4. Search content in xmind file on Mac via spotlight.
  5. Spellcheck view.
  6. Qiucklook attachment/image on Mac.


Xmind 2013 For Mac Catalina

  1. Based on Eclipse 3.7.2.
  2. 'Double click to open' works better and more stable.
  3. Support dragging file onto XMind icon to open on Mac.
  4. Portrait/Landscape options in 'Page Setup' dialog.
  5. New 'Extract and Apply' option after extracting theme.
  6. Improve file save/open process.
  7. Improved performance after enabling auto save.
  8. Show proper error message after failure to export to PDF(map).
  9. 'Upload' is renamed to 'Share'.
  10. While saving the preview image in xmind file, save file's center position at the same time.
  11. Default format of preview image changed to PNG.
  12. The Open dialog points to Documents folder when being first used, and points to last time path in future usage.
  13. Drill down into a topic, the Gantt chart shows only the current map's topics.
  14. Internal browser works well on windows.
  15. Map won't scroll automatically when selecting multiple elements.
  16. When opening a .xmind file using double click, no extra blank map will be open.
  17. Use platform-specific solution to open file hyperlink/attachment.
  18. Find/Replace no longer messes across editor and notes view.
  19. When closing XMind, unsaved workbooks will be asked to save one by one instead of an aggregate dialog.
  20. Improve the shortcuts under Brainstorming mode.
  21. Improve the proxy settings.
  22. Improve the new file dialog.
  23. Many other improvements, like new splash, new about dialog.

Xmind 2013 For Mac Download

Fixed Bugs

Xmind 2013 Mac

  1. Can't drag file into xmind as attachment on linux.
  2. Default color of Notes view is white on linux.
  3. Moving multiple floating topics at the same time, they will lose the relative postion.
  4. In a drilled down map, after moving the central topic and a floating topic at the same time, the central topic will be lost when drilled back up.
  5. Ctrl+s can not save the file in brainstorming mode.
  6. The date info in Taskinfo view does not update if always let xmind open.
  7. The status of new imported map from MindManager/FreeMind is saved. User can not save it directly unless making one modification.
  8. Yes/No icons in Freemind become question mark marker after importing.
  9. If there are topic links between sheets, xmind failed to export map to PDF(document).
  10. Quotation marks in labels will cause exporting to Word/PPT fail.
  11. The suggested file name will be not right when exporting a map with a multi-line titled central topic to PDF.
  12. Spell mistake in the export dialog.
  13. On Windows, if setting the xmind portable as default program of .xmind files and double-clicking .xmind to open it,there will be special folder at the same level with that .xmind file.
  14. Press shift key to select multiple topics, then copy and paste to another topic, the pasted topics' order is not right.
  15. Some other small bugs.